Freak Show (2021)

100 Lost Souls (2018 - 2021)

This is a series that began during a project at Västerås Art School. I made a plaster mold out of an old doll's head and started the journey towards creating 100 pieces.

The series is a tribute to the unborn, the deceased and the lost.

Souls that me, we, all miss.

I have exhibited this series several times in different places.

The series ended with a number of about 150 pieces in different colors.

Old art... (2015 - 2018)


F**K (2018)
GoldWar (2018)
B (2017)
GoldWar (2018)
F**K (2018)
GoldWar (2018)
secrecy (2017)
secrecy (2017)
secrecy (2017)
F**K (2018)
F**K (2018)
YouCantSeeMe (2016)
GoToHell (2016)
GoToHell (2016)
buds (2018)
YouCantSeeMe (2016)
YouCantSeeMe (2016)
YouCantSeeMe (2016)
buds (2018)
buds (2018)
buds (2018)
buds (2018)
buds (2018)
buds (2018)
Elsa Går Vidare (2015)
Elsa Går Vidare (2015)
Elsa Går Vidare (2015)
no name (2016)
HippHipp (2015)
virgin (2106)
 no name (2017)
no name (2015)
missing pieces (2015)
HejHejHej (2017)
HejHejHej (2017)
no name (2017)
WhatYouSeeIsWhatYouGet (2017)
WhatYouSeeIsWhatYouGet (2017)